Top web development languages in 2021

Web development languages

Top web development languages in 2021

When you take an idea to develop into a full project, you need a team on your side. Now, if that idea requires a website, you will need a website developer. If you then want it to look and work best for your customers, you may then hire a web designer, We are the finest web development company in Pune. Web design governs everything involved with the visual aesthetics and usability of a website. For instance, color scheme, layout, information flow, and everything else related to the visual aspects of the UI/UX (user interface and user experience) falls under web design. We also offer the Best Web Designing Services in Mumbai/Pune.

Web developers are programmers who translate designs into code. Code is what enables a website to function in certain different ways. Web development is a collective term for all the code that makes a website work. It has two categories—front-end and back-end. The front-end or client-side of an application is the code responsible for determining how the website will display the designs mocked up by a designer. The back end or server side of an application handles managing data within the database.

When some people learn about web development, they start with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) but confuse these with programming languages. 

HTML and CSS are markup languages that produce electronic documents (or pages) and design sites respectively. Meanwhile, web development languages are complex. Web development languages have two categories: Back-end and front-end web development languages.  

There is no single best web development language out there today. So, here is the list of the most popular web development languages in the world: 


C++ is an extension or object-oriented version of the C language. It is in game development, desktop app development, and mobile app development. The C++ programming language was created by “Bjarne Stroustrup” and his team in 1979 in the Bell laboratories in New Jersey. When it was created, they called C++ “c with classes”. The C programming language was a popular programming language worldwide during the 1970s. And even today C++ is one the most popular web development language in the world. Companies like Microsoft, Google, Evernote, and NASA, use C++ on a large basis.  


Web Development languages


Kotlin is a modern programming language and it is inspired by the programming languages that came before it. It is a general-purpose language. This web development language supports functional programming as well as object-oriented programming paradigms. Its stand catches errors ahead of time. But it also has a powerful type of inference system. Kotlin is also open source. It was created first by Jeff Brains but there is a whole community of developers contributing to it. Kotlin is concise, has excellent code safety, and is very tool-friendly. You can add as much or as little in Kotlin. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Netflix are currently using the benefits of Kotlin. 


So, swift is relatively new. It was a surprise announcement at WWDC back in 2014. One of Swift’s major selling points is that it is one of the safest developer languages out there. Swift tends to give you errors at the time of writing your code or when the code compiles. In 2015, Swift 2.0 was announced at WWDC and that Swift was going open source. Swift is apple’s contribution to the world of web development. It is exclusively built for programming for the Apple ecosystem. It even has a better performance scale than Java or Python. Currently, companies like Apple and Reliance are using Swift on a large basis.  


21% of users worldwide are currently using PHP as their preferred developing language. Every programming language has its own advantages and PHP has its own big advantages. PHP can build small websites, complex websites, cms or complex E-Commerce systems, etc. With PHP, one can also manipulate images and videos. In fact, most websites today are in PHP web development language only. Around 60% of websites are on PHP or use PHP at some point. It is the first server-side web development language to be embedded into Html code. Currently, Facebook, Wikipedia, and WordPress are some of the platforms that are using PHP technology.  

Web Development languages


Python is the world’s fastest-growing programming language in the world. Not only Software engineers but mathematicians, data analysts, scientists, accountants, and network engineers use Python as well. With Python, you can solve complex problems in less time and with fewer lines of code. It’s a high-level language, so you don’t have to worry about complex tasks such as memory management. Also, you can build and run python applications on Linux, Windows, and Mac as it is cross-platform. Python also has a huge community for tech support with a large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks and tools to help developers out. It is all in all a beginner-friendly web development language with a simple syntax. Currently, firms like Intel, IBM, Pixar, and Spotify are using Python.  


JavaScript is one of the most popular and is widely used web development languages in the world. Big companies like Netflix, Walmart, and PayPal have built their platforms around JavaScript. JavaScript was only used for building interactive web pages in browsers for a long time. But JavaScript has changed tremendously over time. Today, you can build whole web or mobile applications as well as real-time networking apps with JavaScript. You can even develop command-line tools and even games. JavaScript is really dominating the world of web development languages.  


Web Development languages

Apart from some best web development languages mentioned in this article, the tech world is still witnessing the rise in others like Go, TypeScript, or Scala. Not all languages can be easy to learn, let alone the abundance of frameworks you need to find out to build desired webs. So, identifying your future career and establishing realistic goals can help you to choose the most suitable programming language. 

If you have any web development needs, you can reach us, we are the best Website designing company in Delhi.

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