Voice Search

If you analyze the year 2017, you can say voice search is not a hobby anymore. It is comfortably adopted by the generation. In the survey, it is been revealed that about 33 million voice search device in circulation and 40% of adults are the actively using it every day. Search queries tools like Siri, Google Assistant and Cortana is continuously grabbing the popularity of youth generation.
Due to the huge popularity and utilization of voice search tool in the year 2018, it is been assumed that over 50% of searches will be done in 2020 via voice search.
Come on, I will let you understand about the Voice Search.
Voice Search
Voice Search is basically a speech recognition technology that helps users to search for anything by saying instead of typing. It is also known as voice-enabled which is been installed in any device that will help the user by saying the only keyword to use their respective devices.
The voice-enabled device includes functionality like,
- Application launch.
- Option Selection.
- Audio/Video content search.
- Handsfree voice dialing.
- Local searches in any search engine.
- Writing messages.
Voice search makes SEO strong
It is the fact that the increase in development and utilization of technologies have made voice search more common. Enhancement of the popularity of voice search plays a key part in local internet marketing or we can say enhances the engagement of users in search engines for marketing.
Basically, our clients should have to type the keyword they want to purchase from us. But after the increase in voice search, there are good advantages for the clients. They do those searches by casually speaking the keywords. This will make clients easy to do their searches and also it can be done in the least time in compare with texting the keywords.
Let’s take a glance about how the voice search technology is reshaping S.E.O. in 2018
When the voice search technology is gaining popularity in a rapid phase of time, companies are spending their resources to adopt tools like Alexa from Amazon, Siri from Apple, Smart Assistant from Google and Cortana from Microsoft. These technologies are filled and utilized on the power of voice search. The new trend to search your keywords comes with these technologies. Approx 4 out of 3 youth is having one of these voice search technologies and is using it for their convenience of doing online marketing.
The keyword is the most important part of S.E.O. It will help users to search efficiently about the thing or product or services they want. So it is also essential that keyword should be natural sounding. SEO experts understand the user’s mentality. They understand what phrase of the keyword does users may type or speak to get their desired thing, so they put relevant and natural sounding keyword for that service or product.
Many users do voice search which tends to “why, where and what” type questions. So to put a page which has data regarding the user’s “why, where and what” type questions will increase the website traffic via voice search.
In the present era, you can see the voice search is gaining popularity in the internet marketing world. It is very important for every business and association to enable voice search in their official website. To enabling a latest trend or technology will increase your visitors to your website and you will get easily visible by your targeted audiences.
To know more about the Voice search visit our official website to contact us by accessing this www.trendyonlinesolution.in
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